Where did we go, you ask? You didn't ask? Ohh, but-ja-gotta ask.
I'm waiting.
Thanks! Well, actually, you might be disappointed, because we've been there before. Which means you've been there before. Well. You've been there if you've read earlier posts....and you count mental excur----Get on with it?
OK, OKay.
At about 9:15 a.m., under heavy drizzle, we headed down the coast a short piece to Crystal Cove. We parked on the North side of PCH and took the van, for a dollar each, to the "Beachhouse" on the South side of PCH.
Where the van dropped us off, we were met by a lady draped in a bright blue hooded cape piloting a golf cart. The couple we'd shared the van with hopped in so Don and I said we'd walk. The driver insisted we climb on, as the going would get muddy. There wasn't room on the jump-seat for three of us, so I sat in Don's lap....in my raincoat...ducking under the golf sized umbrella in Don's hand. Picture not included.
Prices are a little steep at the Beachhouse, but having already had breakfast, we contented ourselves with shared servings of sausage and fruit, accompanied by a large warm cup of steaming Mocha.
Intimate wasn't exactly the ambiance we'd landed in, but still, it wasn't as crowded as other times we have been there. There is in and outdoor seating. In case I didn't post all of my previous photos of the place; the outdoor seating is generally under large umbrellas, which, not being closed up for the night, can drip mercilessly on unsuspecting diners. (If you go, bring a hat.) This morning, however, the entire outdoor patio was covered by a large tent (with pales dotting the patio to catch the leaks). Heaters were strategically placed, but the one in the corner we'd been ushered to was reported to be there but not functioning. Don commented on this later, "Why'd she even announce it was there, only to succeed the declaration with the disappointment that it doesn't work?" I agreed. Did she think we'd like pretending that it was on, or that it was like an attractive fireplace that didn't have to be lit to be enjoyed? (Not).
So we took a comfortable booth inside this time. We took a few pictures for you but despite the cloud-dimmed sky, the contrast between in and outdoor light was still too great for my small camera (today I was carrying the smaller Nikon, the "Coolpix L6") so I hope it's not too challenging to get the feel of the place.
Oh look! A pale indoors too (upper right)!
Yes, that's one of those attractive heaters in the background that you might like to sit near even when it doesn't work.
Nice high ceiling--I was trying, actually, to encourage the flash to trigger by aiming at the dark ceiling. I should have just turned the flash on. Oh well.
A little blurred without flash.
A little contrasty with flash.

As we prepared to leave we noticed a line of people forming at the exit, waiting, apparently, for the golf cart. We decided to brave it and take the scenic route, by foot, up to the restrooms around the corner. We stopped along the way a few times to take a few more photos for you.