Wow, it had been so long since I'd posted on Blogger when I went to post yesterday that I messed up my own themes and put my garden entry on this one. I'd intended this one for local travel so I've moved that. Meaning, if you were here in the past 24 hours and are just sure you saw a post about our new "Creeping Cape Lilac". That post has been moved to the "Home Home on the Range" branch. I'll take you to the UCI Arboretum instead. If I can get this thing to cooperate with loading photos that is. I had the darnedest time yesterday loading photos that are on Flickr. I couldn't get "paste" to work at all. So today I read the Blogger "Help" and one solution was to try clearing the cache. The other was to use "Firefox" (I was on "Explorer" at the time). Using Firefox sounded like the easiest of the two since I already had it loaded and sure enough, that worked. So maybe the photo pasting will go better for me today. Here goes . . .

How's that? Do you see the picture or just a bunch of characters? So far I see just characters. What happens if I click save? It stays the same. OK, I'll try "grab link" instead of "grab code" . . . How's that? Still I only see the characters and I've already clicked "Save". Grrr. OK, I could go into Flickr and try "Share". I've been having trouble with that too though, because it only sees one of my 4 (or is it 5?) blogs and won't let me train it, but this is the one it sees so I could try it-- still, yesterday Flickr insisted that it wanted to make a new entry and I don't want it in a new one, I want it in this one. I used to be able to do this easily. I'm thinking they've made too many changes to Blogger since I used it last November. Are they
trying to frustrate me? Well, hold that thought. I may be back tonight, but since I've gotten home from work I've been gardening (i.e., am now exhausted) and I have not eaten yet (i.e. am on the verge of being cranky), so I'm in no mood for foolishness. :-) So more likely I'll try to get the image in here tomorrow. I'm going to post this though, just in case that is the magic I've yet to try. P.S. It was! It was! Hurray! Now I just have to remember that it's the "Grab Code" option in Flickr. Remind me if I forget, Okay?