Sunday, January 21, 2007

1-20-07 Big Bear Lake

Well, it's been since before we got Merlyn that Don had checked on our house in Running Springs. We were getting a little anxious with all the rain, snow, and wind about the condition of our house. Had Don's roof repair held up? Was the Oak tree still standing?
So we decided to drive up in the Camry Saturday and check on it (that's the only one of our cars that handles snow well and that has a paint job that wouldn't be any the worse for a little snow pelting).
There was still snow on the ground from the last storm so Don shoveled clear a little path to our front door for me.
All is well. (See "Home Home on the Range" for a few photos) The roof is still intact. The oak tree is standing. The heater and the hot water heater work, and the porch is still standing. (....and no elves finished our paint job for us--some day we'll get past the front door and railings!)
"Cool! So, let's go for a drive!" --like the 2 hour drive there wasn't enough, hah? I know, but the mountain is so pretty with snow on it--we just HAD to explore.
It was all pretty but the past part was Big Bear Lake.

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