Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sunday, March 13th, 2008: Crystal Cove

Well, I apologize to those of you who feel you've been here and done this. I'm not sure I've ever seen this walk so colorful though. Crystal Cove in Newport Beach, as you may recall if you've been to this blog before, is one of our favorite haunts and our very hot weather Saturday got us in the mood to visit the ocean Sunday morning. Apparently we weren't the only folks so inspired. There were more people here than Don and I have ever seen. Because the Beachcomber restaurant is a wee bit pricey and Don was too hungry to wait in any line to eat, we breakfasted at Carl's Junior and then headed to Crystal Cove for coffee and a side dish.
We parked in our usual place, the lot across PCH, and waited for the bus, but after two groups joined in the wait and we felt like we'd sat long enough, we decided the weather was really too nice to ride a bus. Once Don suggested it, I realized, that I'd been foolish to sit there with my camera and not suggest it myself!
Don put our name in when we got to the restaurant. After they gave us our beeper to alert us when our table was ready, we wandered off to our favorite picnic table with our reading material. Before joining Don at the table however, I just had to take a few photographs of the beach. I was especially thrilled when three young girls arrived wearing identical white dresses. They were adorable!

No, he's not one of ours.

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