Just off of the 57 freeway, East on
I only know this because my brother told me the last week in June, when I'd called to see what he’d be up to that coming Saturday. It seems it was this same weekend a few years ago that they bought their last vehicle. I think it was a different dealer (Ford?) the last time though. Apparently, allot of dealers offer discounts on this weekend. In fact, the Chrysler dealer left Don and I a phone message that they were offering the public dealer-employee prices. Thanks anyway. Not interested. Or so I hoped. But then, the following Monday, inspired by my brother’s activities (that tale that I’m trying to tell here), Don did admit to being curious about those employee prices, and we did go and look. I was thankful that it served to convince Don, for his own reasons, that my car does not need an upgrade. I’m really attached to Gandolfa (my PT Cruiser) so I wasn’t disappointed that the best the dealer could do was $18,000.00 (and that’s before you ask any questions—like, "do the windows go up and down and the doors open and shut at that price, or would that cost extra?") I’m pretty sure that price would have been with minimal amenities, and probably minus the tires—that part's not even a joke. My biggest “lets keep Gandolfa” point though, was that the couple we’d bought my car from when it was a year old in 2004, had said they’d had the front windows tinted themselves. None of these cars had tinted front windows—just back windows.
OK, back to the plot: I’d called to see if Vince (brother) and Sharon (sister-in-law) could come out and play with us Saturday—maybe go to a movie—go to dinner, some such thing, Vince had said they’d like to if they got out of the dealer’s in time. We decided to just play it by ear. That he’d call when they were done, which probably wouldn’t be until sometime in the afternoon. He was right. Apparently this holiday activity is popular with allot of people because when we talked with Vince around 1:00 pm they were still, after sitting around for five hours, waiting for their turn with a sales person.
Don had been watching the used car market for a few months—considering upgrading from his decades old Camry—perhaps to a truck, so keeping them company while they waited was a welcome way to begin our visit with them.
When we arrived we were ushered to a room where Vince and Sharon were entertaining a nice sales lady, who was in the final stages of explaining the contract for their shiney new $16,900.00 burgundy GMC Sierra---well, plus some $899.00 for tires ('told you it wasn’t a joke).
Soon we were outside helping Vince and Sharon load their old truck into their new—well, no. That wouldn’t work. I mean, they loaded the THINGS from their old truck into the new one. And off we went to Denny’s and a movie,

(If there was a mirror at the bottom, would they see each other?)
For more pictures, click here.
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