Did I mention Don and I went to the first San Diego Chargers game of the season? Yep. Don's company has a sky box at
Qualcomm Stadium and they were nice enough to let Don and I visit it. We got there early and parked in the "tailgate parking" area where our neighbors were some young folks from Chicago (the other team playing that day) .
It's sort of old news now, but here are a few photo's anyway:
Here's Don (center stage)

Neighbors to our right (Go Bears!):

Neighbors to our left (Go Chargers!) These gals were nice enough to help us erect our shade canopy:

Us on the left--Chicago neighbors on right.

A tram.

A team of young ladies making our Chicago friends feel welcome with a cheer for the Bears.

The sky box:

The cheerleaders:

The flag

The Eagle

The fans:

The media

The game

The friends

And to view the rest click on the word "Shutterfly" below--I hope it doesn't make you sign in. If it does, I apologize. It was easier with yahoo photo albums, but they were having such success with Flickr that they abandoned their albums and forced us out. I chose one of the options they suggested because they were offering to move all my albums there. I procrastinated until the 11th hour, so did not have time to investigate each option. A friend of mine uses snapfish and ever since I went to view her pictures I've been spamed by snapfish, so I knew I didn't want that one. They may all be the same in that regard though.
I'm hoping this little link will work---so give it a try and let me know:
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