Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Sunday at the Oceanside Jolly Roger

The family tradition of meeting for brunch on Easter began back when Don and I were in school (me with Library Science, he with Computer Science) --which would make it sometime between 1996 and 2001---I'm not sure what prevented us between 2001 and 2003--perhaps the mountain house, or maybe we were spending Easter with my Mom who passed away in October 2003...and then I worked weekends from March 2003 to November 2004---so we missed the first several gatherings. Sunday (yesterday) was actually the first time the meeting was at the Jolly Roger since Don and I started participating. The first time we participated it was going to be there, but the restaurant couldn't accommodate our group, once Don and I added ourselves to the number at the last minute. So we all went to the nearby Monterey Bay Canners where a buffet is served and walk-ins of large groups are pretty well accommodated. The meal and atmosphere were so enjoyable that the next couple of Easter gatherings were held there as well. This year it was decided that waiting in the long buffet line might not be as desirable as being seated and served--so Jolly Roger was the unanimous choice. Attendants this time were Stewart Douglas (Dad), Julie Douglas (Step Mom), Vincent Douglas (brother), Sharon Douglas (Sister-in-law), and Tom Mallow (Julie's Dad), and Don and Tracie Hall (us)....and a great time was had by all!
Stewart (Dad) and Don (Hubby)

Sharon (Sister-in-law) and Vincent (brother)

Sharon, Vincent, Don (partially obscured while sitting on bench behind Vince), Stewart, Julie (Step-Mom), Tom (Julie's Dad--seated on bench).

Vince & Don

Julie, Sharon, Vincent

Dad and his Father-in-law, Tom (he-heee!)

I kept trying to explain to my camera that Vince and Don were back lit and needed flash-fill but my pesky camera (erroneously) insisted that they didn't need it.

Dad and Tom

Oceanside Harbor with Jolly Roger background

For more Harbor shots, click HERE.


Unknown said...

Hi Tracie!
Nice pics as always. Thanks for commenting on my blog. The new URL for it will be

I'm not renewing the domain name, too cheap :)

Wow, your Dad looks great for his age. Looks like you had a fun day.

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