Two weeks later, after taking Aurora for her first bath at Huntington Beach Car Wash (18971 Beach Blvd, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 –one structure South of Edinger, West side of Beach Blvd.), we re-visited Crystal Cove.
Don had bought a “Jogger” at a garage sale along the way. His inventive proclivities were claiming it for it’s wheel base, but as long as we had it, we employed it to carry our reading material and beverages on our stroll to the shore.

Lovely birdie pics. What a wonderful use for the jogger.
I finally got a personal blog user id set up. My newest fascination is Hello Kitty.
Very cool (personal blog set up) I briefly visited the Hello Kitty website. It looks interesting. It reminds me of something I heard about at our SCIUG (So. CA Innopac User Group) meeting called Second Life. It too is a community, where apparently folks buy a house and set up residence. Is that what Hello Kitty is like?
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