Ooops, sorry. I skipped a week last time. I guess that makes this a flash-back, of sorts.
Two years ago this day we bought my PT Cruiser at the Irvine Car Faire and she became Gandolfa. Does that make this her birthday?
Eighty-eight years ago this day my Dad became Stewart Douglas (Burtt) in
So how did we celebrate this day?
Well, it started out with an urge for exercise.
This happens to Don and I periodically, and when it does, we usually set out to find a trail. Sometimes, however, what actually happens is that I get so enthralled with the scenery that what takes place isn’t anything near hiking. It’s not even walking so much as, step-step aim-click, step-step, aim, click. “Oh wow!” Aim, click. Step step step, turn, aim, click-click-click-click. You get the picture. Or, you will if you look below.
(By the way, in case you were not aware of it, if you click on any of the photos on this blog you will see a larger version of them. Sometimes that is good. Sometimes [when they are not sharp, or they are of me] that is bad.)
Black Necked Stilt Adult and Juvenile
Black Necked Stilt Juvenile
(Check out his little foot-prints!)
Black Necked Stilt Juvenile
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