A plaque beneath this bronze statue of a seated man says:
"Charles C. Chapman 1853-1944
The major patron of California Christian College, known today as Chapman University. Sculpture by Raymond Persinger. Commissioned by the Charles C. Chapman Memorial Foundation to ensure that the image and the words of Charles C. Chapman will forever survive to greet all who enter this campus.
dedicated September 10, 2001."
And the "words" refferred to in the above dedication? They are on the wall behind the seated man. They say:
"I can liken life before you . . .
to that of a ship with it's prow pointed toward the great ocean as it leaves the harbor for the distant shore. Storms may come, and they will, for no ship ever sailed the seas but had to face the storm. If it is strong, from keel to top, from bow to stern, well maintained and intellegently directed, it rides the storm and goes on its way. So you will meet obstacles, storms. If you are strong in faith, clear headed, honest, trusting for divine guidance and with a character built on the solid rock, you will meet all troubles in life victoriously."
And a plaque before the wall says:
"The passage inscribed on this wall is from a letter written by Charles C. Chapman to his 8-year old grandson, Stan Chapman, Jr. on January 3, 1941."
The banners on the light posts say:

"Charles C. Chapman 1853-1944
The major patron of California Christian College, known today as Chapman University. Sculpture by Raymond Persinger. Commissioned by the Charles C. Chapman Memorial Foundation to ensure that the image and the words of Charles C. Chapman will forever survive to greet all who enter this campus.
dedicated September 10, 2001."
And the "words" refferred to in the above dedication? They are on the wall behind the seated man. They say:
"I can liken life before you . . .
to that of a ship with it's prow pointed toward the great ocean as it leaves the harbor for the distant shore. Storms may come, and they will, for no ship ever sailed the seas but had to face the storm. If it is strong, from keel to top, from bow to stern, well maintained and intellegently directed, it rides the storm and goes on its way. So you will meet obstacles, storms. If you are strong in faith, clear headed, honest, trusting for divine guidance and with a character built on the solid rock, you will meet all troubles in life victoriously."
And a plaque before the wall says:
"The passage inscribed on this wall is from a letter written by Charles C. Chapman to his 8-year old grandson, Stan Chapman, Jr. on January 3, 1941."


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